Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thing 20

You Tube.....I never really had issues with You Tube until recently. For the most part it seemed like an entertaining and sometimes useful site. I thought of it as just another website where too many people waste too much time watching videos of other people making fools of themselves for the sake of a few moments of somewhat dubious fame. We've all watched the videos of piano playing cats and skateboarding dogs and I myself have watched some music videos through it but what disturbs me is the ease with which explicit images are accessed. Even if the video itself has been removed the thumbnail shots are often extremely graphic. I just went under travel&places and there were pornographic images right there without ever having to click on anything. Without even having to look. The last time I went on the site to play around I came across, looking for the latest Modest Mouse video, a video of what appeared to be a young teenage girl doing a seductive dance in front of the camera (her face was off camera) and although she never appeared naked it still bothers me. I almost always leave that site feeling a bit sad. sigh.

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