Monday, July 16, 2007

Ahhh Summer...

Before I get started I just want to say that this is the worst possible time of year to be doing all this. I don't know how everybody is finding time to do all of this. It never seems to be quiet enough in the library to be able to actually sit down and read and comprehend all of this new information. It's not that this is particularly difficult if only we could just have a little peace and quiet to process it in.
So, that being said I have played around with this some more, Flickr and LibraryThing and the avatars. It was kind of fun but I'm not sure that it's really all that useful. I mean, I just don't really have any need to find a picture in a particular shade of blue or green or chartreuse. It seems like most of things require that you live attached to your computer and quite frankly, I sit behind a computer almost all day, everyday at work I don't really want to go home and sit behind a computer to see what books I've read, listen to music or watch movies. Dang, delivery is here.


Jess said...

Yes, it is definitely not the right time of year! I know there are a lot of people having problems finding the time.

Della said...

I agree! Good thing it goes into September!

Suzy B said...

I agree, too!!!
It would have been so much better to start in September (or January).
If you don't have access or time to do it from home, it's truly difficult to find "free" time. Is there any possibilty of extension??